Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Happy New Year!!

So, guess what? Just like everyone else in the world, I became totally caught up in the craziness of life around the holidays and stopped posting. (Not to mention that I spent 10 days at my parents', in the land of No Internet).

But, I'm baaaaaaaack!

What was the official outcome of 10 Til Christmas??? 5. Overall, we experience a 5 pound weight loss, folks. It wasn't the goal of 10. But, it was a loss regardless, so I'm choosing to consider this a victory. It's my goal, so I get to make the rules.

In other news, I've started training (again) for the annual Gasparilla Festival 15K which will take place in just under two months. This is the latest I've ever started training for this - for no good reason besides pure exhaustion.

I'm also (as we speak) starting to follow The Biggest Loser, which I know many find inspiring. I've watched it in the past; however, these past few years I haven't had the free time to follow any television shows. Woohoo free time!!!

Oh, and I've set a personal goal for myself to complete a Half Marathon this year. Go me.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Ut Oh...

Christmas is getting very close, and so are all of the sweets!

Things slipped this weekend thanks to fabulous holiday party, sweets and treats from friends, and work holiday 'luncheon' today (I HATE the work luncheon. I think people should only be allowed to use it if the attendants are wearting pinnafores and hats).
Yea, I'm avoiding the scale. Tomorrow will be my reality check.

Too tired to work oooooout. I'm so tired all the time! Last night I made it in the the gym for marathon work out, but only made it through 2 of the regular 3 hours. Tonight I puttered around the house attempting to catch up on dishes, abandoned laundry, etc. So, I spent time with Jackie Warner doing her Power Circuit strength training. Her Abs tracks are brutal!!

A week from now I'll be in MI, cooking up a storm with my mother on our annual "Christmas Baking Day" (this time spent with a little 4 month old!)and reveling in all of the food I don't allow myself to buy. The ground will be crusted over with snow (hopefully) ruling out jogging. Last year I attempted a 1 week trial membership at a relatively close gym that I had heard rave reviews about. However, the promised coupon never arrived in my email and now I just get junk email from them. (Helllooooooo, I indicated on my survey that I live in FL - no joining potential here!). This year's attempt at not going out of control during the holidays is work out DVD's: Jackie Warner, Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, and Bob's Weight Loss Yoga (the other Biggest Loser dude). Brillian plan!!! However, I just tonight realized that I'll need a Yoga mat and Hand weights...neither of which would be all that easy to pack. So, I'm on the hunt!

Sunday, December 12, 2010


Eeeek! I forgot about this for a couple of days. And to be real honest, I've been tired. Not that I'm not tired tonight, but I'm making myself stay up another couple minutes to throw together some type of update. Which is this:

I've been busy & tired. Meaning, Thursday night I skipped the scheduled workout when a co-worker friend and I decided to get Subway lupper together after work because we weren't able to eat all day. Then frozen custard followed with best friend who had to go anyways for school-related business. The good news is that since I hadn't eaten all day, it all came out ok calorie wise!

Another reason I was ok with missing Thursday's workout was the Friday night Hot Yoga scheduled wtih other friends. Until I got the reminder about the volunteer shift I had signed up for Friday night. Turns out the class was cancelled after all.

Saturday morning was spin class.

And it's all down-hill from there.
Saturday night was a Christmas party. With yummy, yummy food. This morning we proceeded to have the leftover desserts as pre-breakfast before our real breakfast of panckes with nutella. You get the idea.

HOWEVER, tonight was dinner in Morroco. I had the Vegetable Platter - which always thrills me. Olives, Cuscus, Lentils, Hummus, etc. It was to die for.

Did I mention I was sent home with Party Leftovers? Mmmmm Rum Cake....
Tomorrow, we get back on track.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Just another Wednesday.

Down 1 more pound!

After a long day, albeit rather successful day at school, I headed to the gym for my favorite Combat. It's probably one of my favorite classes, but I rarely get to do it. Spending 50 minutes pretending to hit people while burning calories has got to be one of the most cathartic activities.

The evening was followed up at a friends, curled up on the sofa, in front of the fire with hot chocolate and a brownie. And, Robin Hood. All of this makes for one great night. I'm Ok wth said chocolate intake because my food intake the rest of the day was fine. And really, it could have been 2 cups of hot chocolate and 2 brownies. But, it wasn't. Just 1 for me.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Foods, mostly

Down .2 lbs! In two days. Better than nothing. Think I'll weigh myself again tomorrow.

I know this question is burning in everyone's mind: did I handle the chocolate cake with fudge icing??? I had a small piece. More than a taste, but much less than what I really wished to consume.
Tonight was also an important night for a friend, whom I met at local sushi joint for what was originally said to be a Fried Ice Cream night. Instead, I had an amazing crab/avacado roll. Sushi's not that bad for you, right???

While in spin class tonight, I was thinking about my Working-Out. I've got to get more serious about being regularly dedicated. One 3 hour work out a week isn't a cure-all. However, it's hard to fit all that in while having a real life. My real life got in the way of exercizing for half of my last week. It's time to prioritize. Sweat over... well, whatever my other options may be. Tomorrow night will be hard one for me because it's my night to work the after school program at school. It'll take extra oomph to get myself out the door once I get home.

-Morningstar Farm Sausage Patty & Waffle: very exciting treat. 160 calories!
-Genesis Bread: Nutty wholesome goodness. Totally worth the $5 for the loaf. I toasted a piece into garlic bread last nigth with my soup.
-Oat Bran hot cereal (made stovetop): a new favorite discovery. Consistency of Cream of Wheat but with flavor of oatmeal. With a touch of honey and some Splenda Brown sugar - warm creamy goodness. Plus it has less calories & carbs that old fashioned oats and higher protein & fiber.
-No teacher salad bar tomorrow. Lunch should be interesting....

Did I mention I worked out for 3 hours tonight? I did. And I feel good. And tired. And, I stink.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Settling In...

I'm down 5.1 pounds. That's exciting. But, I'm pretty sure it's going to be a battle from here on out.

I wish I had more time and energy to work out. And energy for that matter. Regardless, I worked out tonight, and that's all that matters right now. I really really wanted to jog the lake and come home to do weight-loss yoga. But it was too stinkin' cold out. There was no way I would have pushed myself out there. So, I saw my friends at the gym.

I need some serious breakfast solutions, especially because I ran out of the at-desk protein bars and the only flavor of instant oatmeal I have left is banana bread. Eeeew. Soooooo, while at Publix post-workout pre-dinner tonight, I happened to buy 4 or so options. Whoopsies. But now, I'm super excited to eat something in the morning. Options are: Hot Oatbran Cereal (i have no idea what to do with this), Kashi 7-grain cereal with fresh soy milk (realistically, I will NOT have time to sit and eat something splashy-splasy out of a bowl at 6am), Morningstart Farm sausage sandwhiched in a lite whole grain organice waffle (Mmmmmmmmmmmm), or a frozen (but then microwaved) Egg/cheese sandwich - organic, whole grain, etc etc (generally much more processed of a food than I'd choose, but I was on food delerium). What will tomorrow be???

OH. TOMORROW. Speaking of which: it's my friend's birthday, and she needs some smile time. So, I put myself in charge of her chocolate-chocolate birthday cake. Out of curiosity, I peeked at the label on the very BOTTOM of the cake: 1/10 of it = 350 calories, and 13g fat. Ouch.
This is me publicly telling the world that I will be strong. I will be strong. I will be strong. I will only have a teen tiny taste.

I need to weigh myself tomorrow. Yuck.

Sunday, December 5, 2010


It's Sunday.
Instead of my typical afternoon jog, I watched some super cute kids. I considered doing some activity before or after, but the night turned out to be longer than expected. And, I'm just dang tired. I hate starting a new week already tired, but it's so hard to catch up in only 2 days!

Calorie counting went relatively well, although I'm sure I went over the 12-whatever limit that thing set for me. Dangit.

Never did Carb/Protein research. Maybe tomorrow. Too tired to care much right now.

Although, my roommate did say: "Today you look skinny". I'll take it!

Time to go to sleep. Seriously, it's too late for a Sunday night.